the soulful origins

Creative Journal by Yvonne


I used to be a determined helicopter mom, wanting the best for my daughter. I thought my constant involvement and strict rules would make her confident and successful. But I didn’t realize it was making her doubt herself.

As she grew up, I saw the impact of my actions. Her happy spirit started fading, and she became unsure of herself and that lead to her having social anxiety. Whether it was in the classroom or in music lessons, her self-esteem plummeted and it pained me to see her like this.

In a moment of reflection, the truth hit me like a tidal wave. My daughter’s low self-esteem and lack of confidence were a direct result of my overbearing ways. I regretted every time I had dismissed her ideas, pushed her beyond her limits, and failed to celebrate her unique qualities.


Realizing the damage caused by my actions, I knew I had to change. I wanted my daughter to feel loved, accepted, and free to be herself. It was time to break free from control and embrace a new parenting approach – nurturing her self-esteem and letting her find her own path.

From that day on, I researched intensively on how I can change things up for myself and my little one. That’s when I stumbled upon the “Self-Driven Child” book.

I began my journey of healing by journaling and creating my own crystal rituals. During a Full moon crystal cleansing day, something transformative happened. As I gazed at the moon, I felt guided to develop my own moon parenting framework to heal my child and myself.

What cue my “A-HA” moment was adopting the wisdom and fresh methods to create my self-paced journal using these fantastic techniques. 

Inspired by the cycles of the moon, which have long been associated with renewal and new beginnings, I developed a Moon Parenting framework that has worked so well for me and my child. 

This unique approach  promotes self-reflection and uses mindfulness techniques to foster a deeper connection with my daughter.

What cue my “A-HA” moment was adopting the wisdom and fresh methods that I’ve learnt to create my self-paced journal to help other moms like me find balance and reduce stress. 

In the Moon Parenting journal, you’ll find a collection of powerful tools and practices, including:

create a sense of structure and routine

Having a clear plan in place gives us a sense of control over our lives, and that can make all the difference in managing the daily parenting challenges.

There are so many different parenting methods out there, but how do you know what suits you? Simply take the cue from within!

Create your own self-reflection journey by connecting yourself with the natural world. Journaling during different moon phases has been a game-changer for promoting introspection and self-awareness.

You see, the moon has this incredible association with reflection and looking within. So, when you journal during the full moon, it’s the perfect time to ponder your goals and dreams. And during the new moon, it’s all about setting intentions for the bright future ahead.

During those special moments of moon journaling, you’re dedicating time to yourselves – reflecting, processing your thoughts and emotions, and setting intentions. It’s like a little gift you give yourself, and trust me, it feels amazing!

With my moon parenting journal, I made a promise to be more than just a mom to my daughter. I learned to step back and let her explore her interests without judging her. 

Gradually, I saw a wonderful change in my daughter. Her self-esteem grew stronger, and her school journey got better. Not because she had to be perfect, but because she found joy in learning and discovering her potential.

As her mom, I carry the weight of past mistakes, but I also hold hope for the future. I can’t change the past, but I can shape a future where she feels supported.

re-discover your newfound strength

Remember, You are unique and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Only you know what works best for you and your precious children. So let’s celebrate our wins, acknowledge the challenges, and embrace this journey with grace.

During this process, you’ll discover the magic of connecting with nature and grounding yourself in the moon’s serene energy.

Through the self-care practice of moon journaling, you’ll find the tools to strike that perfect balance between being a caring, involved parent and allowing space for your children to grow.

It’s time to release the grip of helicopter parenting and let the moon’s wisdom guide you to a place of harmony and trust.

You don’t need to re-invent the wheel. Navigate this beautiful dance of motherhood with Moon Parenting Journal

You’ve got this, MAMA!

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